Victoria Young

Head of Operational Finance

Well and truly versed with the ins and outs of Astute, Vikki has been the Finance Manager since September 2011. Vikki studied Business and Accounting and is part qualified AAT to level 3 although she hopes to gain her CIMA qualifications very soon. Usually knee deep in 5 spreadsheets with 10 emails open, Vikki spends her days steering the Finance Team through their day to day activities whilst simultaneously dealing with suppliers, clients and chasing that elusive outstanding 4p.

An additional string to her bow, Vikki is also a qualified hairdresser. Now that her daughters have grown up and flown off to faraway lands she enjoys spending time socialising with friends, getting attitude from her cat, and catching up with a good book or film; as a Harry Potter fan, Vikki says she’d definitely be in Gryffindor. One day Vikki hopes to travel to Bali or somewhere in the Caribbean – her only requirements is that it is hot!

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VP North America
Recruitment Partner
Operations Director